
It's as fascinating as it is sad to watch a relative fall, piece by piece, to Alzheimer's. I had always thought it was just anterograde- and progressive retrograde amnesia of episodic memory, but its worse. It's affecting:

I know vision doesn't work the way we subjectively feel it works. I hypothesise that it is roughly:

  1. Eyes →
  2. Object and feature detection, similar to current machine vision →
  3. Something that maps detected objects and features into a model of reality →
  4. "Awareness" is of that model

It fits with the way she's losing her mind. Bit by bit, it seems like her vision is diminishing from a world full of objects, to a TV static with a few objects floating freely in that noise.

An artistic impression of her vision. The image is mostly hidden by noise, but a red British-style telephone box is visible, along with a shadow, and a flag. The 'telephone' sign is floating freely, away from the box.
How might she see the world?

Original post:

Original post timestamp: Wed, 31 Jan 2018 11:26:08 +0000

Tags: Alzheimer's, biology, Science, vision

Categories: Health, Psychology

© Ben Wheatley — Licence: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International