Brexit RPG

You are in a maze of twisty-turny tweets, all alike. You are likely to be eaten by a GRU.
Encounter! You meet a Tarot reader. Roll a d6: 1. The fortune teller predicts the UK will cancel Article 50 and remain in the EU. 2. The fortune teller predicts Westminster will reject May's Deal, but instead call for the UK to join the EEA. 3. The fortune teller predicts Westminster will agree May's Deal. 4. The fortune teller predicts Westminster rejects May's Deal. Project Fear turns out to have been an understatement, as 10% of the UK's electricity is supplied by France under EU-specific rules, and the UK requires a reliable electricity supply to keep water mains running because it doesn't use water towers to pressurise the system. While Westminster isn't paying attention, NI has a referendum under the Good Friday agreement and decides to reunify with the Republic of Ireland; Scotland unilaterally becomes independent and takes the nuclear submarines with it; and Wales, Yorkshire and Cornwall give it a go too. 5. The fortune teller predicts Westminster considers repeating the trade strategy that was highly successful in China in 1839–1842 and 1856–1860. The UK accidentally becomes a military dictatorship after the British armed forces say "no" to this plan on the grounds that the Opium Wars were in fact wars, and as most of the EU is in NATO and the UK is also in NATO, the UK would have to declare war on itself. 6. Like 5, but instead of the second paragraph, the fortune teller predicts the UK is forced to declare war on itself under NATO article 5. America takes over and the UK is forced to have a written constitution. Lots of people very unhappy because it's a copy of the American one and the UK population hates guns so much even the police aren't routinely armed.


If you have ITEM:NEWS that COUNTRY:NORWAY has rejected UK membership of the EEA, then if the Tarot reader rolls a 2 you may instead collect ONE BOWL OF POPCORN as compensation.

No, it's not a prediction. It's just a text adventure...

Original post:

Original post timestamp: Wed, 12 Dec 2018 21:27:56 +0000

Tags: Brexit, stories

Categories: Humour, Politics

© Ben Wheatley — Licence: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International